Finding a Solution for Neck Pain

At Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy neck pain is a very common complaint that the therapists see. Neck pain can be caused by a specific incident / accident or can occur for no apparent reason.

The therapists are aware of the impact neck pain can have on patients, knowing it disrupts their lives, stops them working, playing sports and enjoying life.

We also know that most patients who have one episode of neck pain usually end up having another episode and often another and another...This is often because their pain has settled but the underlying problem has not been addressed.

Download our eBook to learn more about how we provide solutions for Neck Pain.

  • "I work with The Football Ferns and love treating football injuries. Having travelled the world with Football Ferns I have developed a great understanding and knowledge of football and injuries. With our great facilities at RJ Physio and our expert team, we are in a great position to help any football injury."

    Anna Barlow

  • "As a fully qualified sonographer I spend all day scanning my client’s injuries. Our appointments take only 20 minutes and I feed back my findings directly to your physiotherapist or doctor. This helps them plan your injury management. Ask you physio today if you need an ultra sound scan to help with your injury."

    Simon Cunliffe

  • "I have had great results solving peoples pain with acupuncture. Having qualifications in acupuncture I use the needles gently to restore my clients movement and help with pain and muscle spasm. Most of my clients love acupuncture and are surprised how gentle and easy it is. Call me today and ask how I can help you with acupuncture."

    Emily Lo

  • "If you have issues with your footwear, running or walking biomechanics, or any pain in your feet – call me for an appointment today. I am a podiatrist specialising in sports podiatry, I can customise orthotics for you, prescribe exercises and advise you on the best way of managing your pain."

    Dale Gooding