Using Pilates to treat long-term back pain
Tue Sept. 20th 2016
Have you tried gym exercises but failed. Frustrated with putting in the hard yards with no results?
Pilates can be effective for the treatment of long term back pain. It is a form of exercise that focuses entirely on core stability. It has a vast range of intensities to suit young or old, male or female, weekend warriors to the professional athlete. You can expect a great abdominal workout during Pilates. Having good core strength and control will also help with you achieve you goals. You’ll get stronger; more sculpted muscles and gain flexibility. You may also have better posture and a better sense of well-being.
Physiotherapists trained in Pilates
RJ Physio offers postgraduate Pilates trained physiotherapists who can provide one on one supervision for intensive rehabilitation. Some injuries will have partial funding from ACC to assist in your recovery,