RJ Physio welcomes 6 new therapists!
Thu Feb. 1st 2024
RJ Physio welcomes 6 new therapists!
2024 will be a busy year at Roland Jeffery Physio, with the addition of six new physiotherapists. Anna Bannatyne, Cole Tinkler, Dylan Lonia-Hughes, Hayley Cameron, Isabella Bardua and Sam Reidy all started work at the clinic last week.
All six have recently qualified from AUT and Otago and look forward to seeing you in the clinic. Check out their personal profiles on our website.
They will make up a team of 22 full time physiotherapists at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy, along with podiatry, acupuncture and ultrasound services. Book an appointment now at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy for a thorough assessment and treatment programme so that you can achieve all your health goals with confidence.