RJ Physio welcomes 6 new therapists!

Thu Feb. 1st 2024

RJ Physio welcomes 6 new therapists!

2024 will be a busy year at Roland Jeffery Physio, with the addition of six new physiotherapists. Anna Bannatyne, Cole Tinkler, Dylan Lonia-Hughes, Hayley Cameron, Isabella Bardua and Sam Reidy all started work at the clinic last week.

All six have recently qualified from AUT and Otago and look forward to seeing you in the clinic. Check out their personal profiles on our website.


They will make up a team of 22 full time physiotherapists at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy, along with podiatry, acupuncture and ultrasound services. Book an appointment now at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy for a thorough assessment and treatment programme so that you can achieve all your health goals with confidence.


  • "I have had great results solving peoples pain with acupuncture. Having qualifications in acupuncture I use the needles gently to restore my clients movement and help with pain and muscle spasm. Most of my clients love acupuncture and are surprised how gentle and easy it is. Call me today and ask how I can help you with acupuncture."

    Emily Lo

  • "Having qualifications in Pilates, my goals with my clients are to restore their movement and strength. Our specialized equipment helps this in a fun and friendly way. RJ Physio has group classes and well as individual sessions, so we can tailor to your specific needs. Pilates can help return you to work, sports and reduce your pain and increase your performance. Call me today and I can discuss your Pilates options."

    Pip Greenwood

  • "If you are experiencing pain or discomfort when you're trying to enjoy playing football then don't put up with it. I have a passion for treating football injuries and would love to see you, I encourage you to book an appointment for a consultation today. I can help get you back playing pain free."

    Jay Lee

  • "I work with The Football Ferns and love treating football injuries. Having travelled the world with Football Ferns I have developed a great understanding and knowledge of football and injuries. With our great facilities at RJ Physio and our expert team, we are in a great position to help any football injury."

    Anna Barlow