Call or email us today to discuss your physiotherapy requirements. If you'd like to book an appointment you can do so using the form on the right and one of our staff will contact you for confirmation of your appointment time. Please note that it may not always be possible to accommodate your preferred time for the appointment.

+64 9 444 7643

Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy,
22 Chartwell Avenue,
Auckland 0629

Book an Appointment

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  • "If you are experiencing pain or discomfort when you're trying to enjoy playing football then don't put up with it. I have a passion for treating football injuries and would love to see you, I encourage you to book an appointment for a consultation today. I can help get you back playing pain free."

    Jay Lee

  • "Having qualifications in Pilates, my goals with my clients are to restore their movement and strength. Our specialized equipment helps this in a fun and friendly way. RJ Physio has group classes and well as individual sessions, so we can tailor to your specific needs. Pilates can help return you to work, sports and reduce your pain and increase your performance. Call me today and I can discuss your Pilates options."

    Pip Greenwood

  • "Having experienced headache’s and neck pain myself I have become an expert at treating them. I have qualified with my post-graduate diploma in manipulative therapy, and love sorting out my client’s stiff and painful necks, helping them with their posture and returning them to work."

    Leighton Wills

  • "As a fully qualified sonographer I spend all day scanning my client’s injuries. Our appointments take only 20 minutes and I feed back my findings directly to your physiotherapist or doctor. This helps them plan your injury management. Ask you physio today if you need an ultra sound scan to help with your injury."

    Simon Cunliffe