Mon Oct. 18th 2021

Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy - Covid-19 Update.

WE ARE OPEN for face to face appointments now. These are under strict guidelines from the Ministry of Health for your safety. All of our staff are fully vaccinated. Telehealth/Online appointments are still available. Call or book online. We look forward to seeing you soon!

We realise during these times of crisis that life is a prized possession and our health and wellness is more important than ever. Let us at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy help you recover from any injury that has manifested during this lockdown time.

We have the staff to help your recovery. Using the most advanced pain to performance programme for your care, we will take you from where you are now to a position where you can tackle any goal, new or old with confidence and security.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us 09 444 7643 or at admin@rjphysio.co.nz

  • "If you are experiencing pain or discomfort when you're trying to enjoy playing football then don't put up with it. I have a passion for treating football injuries and would love to see you, I encourage you to book an appointment for a consultation today. I can help get you back playing pain free."

    Jay Lee

  • "Low back pain affects many people and having qualified with my post-graduate diploma in manipulative therapy, I have a passion for treating low back pain. Using a number of techniques I can help restore movement, reduce pain and improve strength – returning you to work, sports and back to your goals. If you have low back pain book an appointment to see me today, I have over 23 years of treating low back pain"

    Roland Jeffery

  • "I enjoy treating knees, and here at RJ Physio we see many knee injuries and clients suffering from knee pain. Having a great knowledge of how the knee works and wonderful facilities at RJ Physio, including two gyms and a Pilates studio, anyone with a knee problem should see the team. Call me today to see if can help you with your knee pain."

    Hamish Donnison

  • "I have had great results solving peoples pain with acupuncture. Having qualifications in acupuncture I use the needles gently to restore my clients movement and help with pain and muscle spasm. Most of my clients love acupuncture and are surprised how gentle and easy it is. Call me today and ask how I can help you with acupuncture."

    Emily Lo