Pilates Studio Open

Wed Aug. 9th 2017

Pilates Studio Open and Pilates’ classes at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy

Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy is pleased to announce the opening of our Pilates Studio. Featuring state of the art gym Pilates equipment designed for one-on-one or group strengthening, our Pilates studio will help you with your injuries and maximize your fitness potential.

Our physiotherapists will be able to work with you on an individualized basis: personalizing your Pilates training programmes or within small group classes (3 – 4 people). The small group classes are an ideal way to get expert Pilates instruction from our qualified Pilates instructors, using state of the art equipment.

Our Pilates Studio and group classes are designed to increase your fitness and strength to help you achieve your fitness goals and return you to optimal performance.

Pilates can help

  • Correct faulty movement patterns that cause recurring injuries
  • Improve your posture
  • Maximize sports performance
  • Manage pain
  • Prevent injuries
  • Help with pain from arthritis
  • Strengthen muscles enhancing performance
  • Improve flexibility and range of movement

Ask your physiotherapist about how you can join one of our Pilates classes or book an appointment with our Pilates instructors at Roland Jeffery Physiotherapy.

  • "As a fully qualified sonographer I spend all day scanning my client’s injuries. Our appointments take only 20 minutes and I feed back my findings directly to your physiotherapist or doctor. This helps them plan your injury management. Ask you physio today if you need an ultra sound scan to help with your injury."

    Simon Cunliffe

  • "I enjoy treating knees, and here at RJ Physio we see many knee injuries and clients suffering from knee pain. Having a great knowledge of how the knee works and wonderful facilities at RJ Physio, including two gyms and a Pilates studio, anyone with a knee problem should see the team. Call me today to see if can help you with your knee pain."

    Hamish Donnison

  • "Having experienced headache’s and neck pain myself I have become an expert at treating them. I have qualified with my post-graduate diploma in manipulative therapy, and love sorting out my client’s stiff and painful necks, helping them with their posture and returning them to work."

    Leighton Wills

  • "Low back pain affects many people and having qualified with my post-graduate diploma in manipulative therapy, I have a passion for treating low back pain. Using a number of techniques I can help restore movement, reduce pain and improve strength – returning you to work, sports and back to your goals. If you have low back pain book an appointment to see me today, I have over 23 years of treating low back pain"

    Roland Jeffery